
Hang Glider with golden wings
Celebrate good times with a shiny glass and a bottle of smurfpagne  
It's pink With a little touch of blue Smurfette presents... Her own drum set !   and rock band...    
Here's a little blue one that came with empty hands and had a lovely transformation
This little blue one was very dirty when he arrived here. Dirty as in uncleanable! I decided to repaint him in different colours . The genuine one looks like this : And here is the repainted version of the dirty one :
This thirsty smurf is not made by myself, I bought him this way. It's a 7'up bottle.  
Three little blue ones took a trip to the mystical golden forest The sun shone through the sweet-smelling plants, and they fell into a deep daze Then the golden haze of a silent paintbrush stroke over their bodies     It took a while before I recognized them because they glowed when they...
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