About Us


We are some of the many blue ones on this planet and will colour your day in a shiny blue way.

How it started

Once upon the blues there was a little girl getting little smurf figures as a present from her parents.

Unfortunately over the years her lovely little blue ones got lost.

Many years she had those dreams where she would look all over the place to find her smurfs. But even if she would find them back in her dreams, each time she woke up there weren't any smurfs left.

Later she met the one she would marry.

That special person still had a few smurfs from her childhood which they both kept very carefully.

Although they started a little collection in the beginning, when they came living in a town with a toy store in the neighborhood selling smurfs, the real collection party started. In this period they bought a lot of different smurfs dating from their childhood on a second hand site. For the first time they visited the Smurf Fair in Belgium a few weeks later. Now they breathe smurfs day in day out.